среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

conquorer of the hill

Lately I have not really had time to really review what�I have been reading.��Starting a new job, spending time with my girlfriend, and my obsession with the rpg Elder Scrolls IV:�Oblivion have all done their parts in keeping me from blogging as much as I usually do.�

Books I have read recently.�

The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde.��A sequel to The Big Over Easy, which starred the NCD�or Nursery Crime Division.� Lead by Jack Spratt and Mary Mary they had to solve a mystery of Goldilocks getting murdered and the escape of the deranged, and superhuman known as the�Gingerbread man.��Yes, I said the Gingerbread Man.� :)� These books are hilarious and I wish Fforde would write more of them. �Rating 9.0 out of 10.

V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.��A great and dark graphic novel.��Not quite as good as the Watchmen, but very disturbing none the less. He really knows how to write a dark story.� Now I need to go watch the movie again and really see how they did.� Rating.� 8.5 out of 10.

Ghosts in the Snow by Tamara Siler Jones.� An interesting idea of having a mystery novel set in a fantasy world. �I can appreciate this, cuz I have an idea or two about�a similar type of novel.� The story worked really well as you really felt for Dubric as he was the only ones that saw the ghosts of the murdered girls as he tried to solve the crime.��A very enjoyable book.��Rating.� 8.0 out of 10.�

An Evil Guest by�Gene Wolfe (book club book).� I really wanted to like this book.��It was labeled Cyberpunk meets Lovecraft and I think that was a mistake to put that on the cover.��It really puts expectations before you even start reading. �I was enjoying the book for the first 3/4 of the book, and then story took an unexpected detour that completely took me away from the story.��One of the main characters was pushed to the side and it never recovered.� Rating.� 5.0 out of 10.

That is all for now.��HOpefully I will be able to get back into the swing of things soon.�

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