суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

containment area

I feel like a wale...

daddy came home from ohio last night... They were eating burgers in the car... I had 4 bites of mine... I had already wraped the rest of it up and was looking out the window.... All the sudden mom said "Kirk you should do what chelseaapos;s doing... Sheapos;s only eating 5 small meals a day".....

yea... But�im NOT�eating every other day... No one ever notices that part.... Thank God

no matter what i do or how much i dont eat... I still feel like a friggin hefer....

party at the deer lease tonight... Theyapos;re gonna be cookin steaks... What should i do?... Damn....

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blithe house quarterly

So Iapos;ve spent the last few hours trying to reinstall World of Warcraft on my new computer. Usually, you install it once. However, we had 5 computers going on at one time at my house, plus the internet connection wasnapos;t doing well at the time.

So I installed it once. It worked fine. Logged on to get the newest patches, which was fine until I got to about 86, and it turned itself off. I then spent 30 minutes repairing the game, trying to get the rest of the patch. That didnapos;t work. I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it again. It worked until it was fully installed, when the computer informed me that the files had somehow been corrupted by the computer, and so nothing had happened. Yay. Then I spent the last hour and a half installing the game and the Burning Crusade expansion, which worked. Thank fully, I was watching Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope with Adam while this was going on. Heapos;s staying with me because his parents are out of town, which is good because I can use the company. I miss my girl.

I am now downloading the patches again. Hopefully, it will work better this time. Weapos;re watching Aliens now, which I picked out. I love this film . It is one of the few sequels that surpasses the original while changing genres. It is truly a unique movie, and it deserves itapos;s place as one of the best science-fiction movies ever made. Not to mention the fact that James Cameron is a brilliant director. Whether or not you liked Titanic, it was extremely well directed. And he wrote and directed the first two Terminator films, which are also masterpieces of the genre.

I watched Pitch Black with Kira the other day, speaking of my girl. I must really be in a sci-fi mood. We had a good time. I really enjoy her company, and I miss her when I canapos;t see her, which is most of the time. Though the time we do have together is very special to me. I guess Iapos;m pretty lucky. And here I go, sounding like a sap. Go me.

Iapos;ve been reading a lot of information about Fable 2, and I donapos;t think Iapos;ve been so excited about a game in a long time. I must have played the original Fable and The Lost Chapters at least 8 times. The sense of freedom present in that title was astounding, considering how structured the plotline was. It didnapos;t deliver on a lot of the promises that the developers made and Fable 2 actually looks like itapos;s going to deliver on the stuff they promised the first time around and the stuff they promised this time. Iapos;ve read some reviews and they were very positive, which continues to make me think thatapos;s itapos;s going to occupy a lot of my time, which is okay with me.

Nothing else aside from Wrath of Guilty Gear 2: Overture have me as excited, which is strange. Gears of War 2 looks impressive, but Halo will always be a better shooter in my mind. No offense to Gears, I loved the original and plan to buy the sequel when it drops, but Iapos;m just not that excited for it yet. I guess I was a bit underwhelmed by the characters and the story in the first one. Marcus Fenix is a bad ass, but if he died in the next one I wouldnapos;t care. Though Epic is promising a much more engrossing story this time around, and if they can deliver on the story as well as they have on the gameplay, well....itapos;ll be an even better year for gaming than it already has been.

Oh, by the way, the topic of this post refers to Illidanapos;s quote in the opening cinematic for The Burning Crusade. Check out this link if you are interested:

Until next time.

Will out

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arrested clip development video

Chapter 1 wonapos;t be tonight. I need to finish writting it before I type it out. Tomorrow. Apparently John wants to read my story, after reading the first page you will understand why I am laughing, and why it can never happen without rewrites. I gave him an excuse about not wanting him to read the smut I am going to have you help write and he sounded like he was trying to offer to help write them..... Creepy smut from a male perspective.

Oh and if you canapos;t tell by the icon, that is for your eyes only, I have officially gone into fan girl mode, undercover though you are the only one allowed to know of my fangirldom. And well John since I told him I am in love with a fictional vampire. So Yeah.

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Once a week, I clean my make-up brushes with Dr. Bronnerapos;s soap, gently squeeze, shape, and position at an angle�(bristles down�so�hidden residue at neck wonapos;t make bristles fan out - theory from painting class...I bit)�on a clean towel to dry.�

In the mean time, I donapos;t like the thought of using brushes with all of yesterdays bacteria still on them.��

A quick, temporary fix:� I knew white vinegar was a good cleaner.� Tea Tree Oil, an antiseptic.
�����������������������������������������In small spray bottle (fresh batches),�few drops of�Tea Tree Oil, rest white vinegar.
���������������������������������������� Shake.

How-to:� Spray rag, gently rub brush, lightly squeeze to shape, put away.��

Brushes feel soft, not oily, clean.

I�make a lot of small rags from older, 100 cotton stuff�(clothes, towels, sheets) and use for this and house cleaning.
Machine wash, re-use.� Good economy, and different ones bring back good memories.����������

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

companionship poetry

I am SO�behind on LJ reading.

MadameFiske - Good Luck this weekend� I look forward to seeing you.
LadyHilary - Yeah for popping cherries
Moose �Noahboy - Looking forward to seeing you
dragonturtlepam - Welcome Home
Kendell - *hugs* I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

Others -- I�really havenapos;t read the journals so I�hope you are doing well.

Me -- really directionally confused. Head south to stay in Canada -- North will lead you to the US.� Oy It hurts my head� Can we just pretend that the US�is south and just turn the map upside down???

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Olvls starts todaaayy (:
All the best to everyone taking olvls Loveee.

Walked to school alone today. ]: Heh. Its okay. I had my time to think through�some of�my problems. Esp with mummy. Haiz.�Itapos;s been the longest time ever since i do things alone. (: Get all my results back already. I did okaay. Not good at all but i thnk it wasnapos;t that bad. I could have scored better if iapos;ve studied much harder. Itapos;s okay uhh. Whats done is done. Had assembly for 2longg hours. After that, everyone headed back to class. Dayumm. Tiring ya know. Was stting there all along. -__- Pisang said he could hear Abrahemapos;s voice while doing his practicals. Heh. Sorrry. Whole day was wasted in class doing nothing. After school went home.. Blahblahblahblahblahblah.

I think babyapos;s angry with me. *bites*
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bussen karen

"09:27 am - It just grew overnight [protected post]
So the married man next door who has a crush on me and hits on me with some regularity has a Yes on 8 sign in his front yard. I can see that heapos;s all about protecting marriage."

From a friends locked LJ. Shes married, and he knows it, BTW.

I have some ideas concerning prop 8 The "Protect marriage" act.

Since prop 8 is clearly for the purpose of defending the sanctity of marriage;

1)The proposition should be amended to make divorce illegal. After all, its in the bible and this is a Christian nation, additionally in traditional marriages isnapos;t there something about "till death do us part?"

2) Adultery should be punished by life imprisonment. Clearly this act harms marriage, and its a sin.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bike spinning dvds

Itapos;s so good to be able to relax with her, just to have fun and enjoy her company.� Nobody there was going to wonder what we were doing holding hands, or judge the merit of our relationship.� The concert was good, but the fun of the evening had more to do with her than with the music.

I�realized later that I was behaving very protectively of her, standing between her and the rowdy concert-goers and keeping the moshers back.� Iapos;ve never really felt I�was the protective sort; I�wonder whatapos;s changed in me.� Perhaps she inspires me to it?� As much as it is a silly macho trait, I�think it is a positive thing in this case.

Iapos;m looking forward to the LARP.� I just hope that things wonapos;t be awkward with her, or between the two hers; unfortunately, I�canapos;t imagine that they wonapos;t.� She still hasnapos;t figured out that ... God, this is dumb, stupid pronouns... The other her isnapos;t angry or even upset.� Well, only at me, that is.

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Iapos;m finally back in school

I started last Monday.� At least, that was the official start date.� I�didnapos;t actually get to start classes until yesterday, so I was a week behind in all three courses, but thankfully there wasnapos;t much work to catch up on, so Iapos;m nearly finished with everything (which is a good thing, because its all due tomorrow by 11:55pm).

Currently, I am attending Virginia College Online in their Business Administration Bachelor of Science program.
Iapos;m currently taking Introduction to Business, Critial Thinking and Learning Fundamentals.� They arenapos;t difficult courses, just very time consuming.� Iapos;ve probably already spent a good 7 hours just trying to catch up in work, not to mention the study hours Iapos;m attempting to put in.� I needed a break from the mundane and decided to open up a live journal account to voice my happiness for the event to which has just occurred

On a different note, work is finally picking up (kind of).� Its been really boring here lately and now that the new fiscal year has arrived, things have started to speed up again.� To better explain, �I work the supply field, and in the supply field, when you have no money, you really have nothing to do.� Well, we got our money, now I�have a job...spend it� And thats exactly what Iapos;ve been doing, however certain restrictions have prevented me from spending it as quickly and effectively as I�would like, but no worries, it will all get taken care of shortly :D

Personal note, my wife is sick with Bronchitis.� Has been for the last 3 days.� Hopefully she gets better soon, but it looks like its going to be another visit to the Emergency Room this evening to see if we canapos;t take care of whatapos;s going on.

A buddy of ours got kicked out of his home the other night, so heapos;s going to be staying with us for a while, until either A)�He gets back on his feet or B) his family comes down and brings him back to Pennsylvania.� Whichever he decides.��Either way is fine with us.� We enjoy his company, and will miss him if he leaves, but we enjoyed the times we got to spend together.

Thatapos;s all for me for right now.� Iapos;m going to go see if I canapos;t knock out another two hours worth of work real quick-like.

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